Looking For our People: Giving Freedom and Responsibility

we make decisions based on facts and data
Our competitive advantage is making quality decisions. We are attached to the DataDriven approach when making decisions
We are committed to a policy of transparency
Our ideal scenario is the absence of decisions that need to be hidden from the employees
We build win-win relationships with employees, partners and clients
We always choose what brings benefits to both parties and satisfies common interests
We treat work as a product
We use the best practices of product management for our work

A Few Words About the Conditions and our Work

Flexible start of the day. Remote work from anywhere in the world. User-friendly software: Slack, Confluence knowledge and process database, Jira task manager

Comfortable Environment

Paid training advanced training, and participation at meetups and conferences. Access to corporate English and library

Training and Development

Compensation of Health Insurance Policy or sports

Health Care

Welcome kit at the end of the trial period. Branded gifts for birthday/wedding/birth of a child

Pleasant Bonuses

Recruitment Stages
We have a transparent hiring process. From the first contact to the offer it takes from 4 to 8 days. Optionally there may be a small test task. HR will be in touch at each stage.
Get acquainted with the recruiter via messenger and agree to communicate by phone
Pass the initial phone interview
15–30 min
Pass the final interview with the Head
40–60 min
Get a job offer and start

PROFITFAMILY is a large holding, we provide jobs for various specialists

Media Buying3
We are looking for the Head of Optimization Department
Experience from 3-6 years
We are looking for the Head of the Search Arbitrage direction development
Profit Family
Experience from 1-3 years
We are looking for the Team Lead of the DirectLink/SmartLink direction development
Media Buying Agency
Experience from 1-3 years
We are looking for a Head to develop integration processes in the RTB segment
Experience 3-6 years

Join the PROFITFAMILY team

Write a few words about yourself and what vacancy you might be interested in
Thank you for your interest in our company!
If now there are no current vacancies in your specialization, we will add you to the personnel reserve and contact you first in case a vacancy arises. We will be in touch!
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